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Скачать с ютуб Zero Waste Haul from Local, Black-Owned Refill Shop в хорошем качестве

Zero Waste Haul from Local, Black-Owned Refill Shop 4 года назад

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Zero Waste Haul from Local, Black-Owned Refill Shop

In spirit of #PlasticFreeJuly I wanted to share about one of my favorite zero waste shops, Earthwell Refill. They are a local, black-owned San Diego based shop that I have been going to for years. I also preface the video saying that BUYING SUSTAINABLE PRODUCTS IS NOT A REQUIREMENT FOR SUSTAINABLE LIVING! It's just one of the many ways to reduce your environmental impact, however this burden doesn't rest on just you. Please listen towards the end for my fuller explanation on that :-) *P.S. This is not sponsored, I just love them! Enjoy! ⭐️ MUSIC ⭐️ Cosmic Dew by Tigran Viken Beats by my husband Matt (IG @ratmogers) Just a Dawn Away (Instrumental Version) by Robin Henson ⭐️ SOCIAL MEDIA ⭐️ IG: @thatcurlytop ⭐️ DISCOUNTS ⭐️ LACAUSA: 20% off w/ Jazmine20 Golde: $5 off w/ link Tradlands: 15% off w/ THATCURLYTOP15 Vitruvi: 20% off w/ JAZMINE 💗 THAT CURLY TOP 💗 Hey Y'all! My name is Jazmine and I'm a 24-year-old Black-Mexican creator. I'm passionate about sustainable fashion and living. And though I'm NOT an expert, I'd love to invite you on my journey of navigating a low-impact lifestyle and advocating for change :-)
