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Teach English in China without a degree

Many fresh grades and fluent English speakers with no teaching experience dream of going over to China. This place is known for its cultural diversity and abundance of offers. Flourishing Chinese economy provides a growth in labor market. The indigenous consider English as an essential second language to fulfil their ambitions and be upskilled professionals worldwide. That is why, so many ESL teachers find it as a great chance to get international practice and start teaching here. It leads to a question, whether it's real to work there without a diploma. 00:27 — Intro 01:00 — About China 01:27 — Is a college degree a necessity? 02:07 — Z-visa 03:04 — Another way to work legally 03:47 — Working holiday visa 04:58 — Other requirements to teach in China 05:31 — Teaching experience 05:45 — Certification 05:58 — CELTA 06:38 — TEFL 07:09 — How to get a TEFL course? 07:26 — Conclusion Blog article for English teachers: ✍ Go to our website and purchase an online TEFL/TESOL course at 50% discount!: 🔗 CONTACTS: ✅ Website: ✅ Instagram:   / tefltesolcertification   ✅ Facebook:   / tesol.tefl.certification   ✅ Linkedin:   / tefl-tesol-certification   #englishtutorinchina #esltutorinchina #onlineenglishteacher #onlineeslteacher #tefl #tesol #tefltesolcertificate #English #teachers #ESLteacher #Englishjob #teachingabroad #teachEnglish #China #ESLteacherinchina #chinesestudents
