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How Long Can We Last In A Backyard Ultra?

Join The Running Channel Club at to meet like-minded runners, get exclusive content and access expert guidance through courses and live Q&As. A race with no set finish line, that can last for days and only ever has one finisher… Welcome to the weird world of Backyard Ultras. Watch as presenters Anna, James and Mo as well as videographer Angus take on a Backyard Ultra and see how long they can last before they get timed out! Who do you think will win? Stay tuned to find out… ↓↓ How many loops could you do?↓↓ What’s in this video? 00:00 What is a Backyard Ultra? 00:49 The race begins 12:50 Who will last the longest? MUSIC licensed by Artlist and Epidemic Sound: Thank you to our partners: Garmin - Runna - Zwift - -------------------- CHECK OUT OUR NEW MERCH → → FACEBOOK -   / officialrunningchannel   ← → INSTAGRAM -   / runningchannel   ← → TWITTER -   / runningchannel   ← → STRAVA -   / strava   ← Or get in touch with us by sending an email to [email protected] Read this far? Thanks! Please like this video, SUBSCRIBE and share with your running friends. We would really appreciate it! Check out our Editorial Policy here:
