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Hanuman Moola Mantra 4 года назад

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Hanuman Moola Mantra

Hanuman was born as the son of Wind God Kesari and the princesses Anjana. As a boy, he was highly mischievous, vibrant and overactive. He is depicted as a strong, knowledgeable monkey child who is a mastery over Vedas. The first reference of Hanuman can be seen in Ramayan. Who is known for his devotion and reverence for Sri Rama, the hero of the epic Ramayan. He is one of the seven chiranjivis. Recitation of Hanuman Chalisa, Stuti, Stotra / Mantra daily enhances wisdom, physical strength, popularity, courage, sharp intellect and ensures fearlessness and good health. #AnjaneyaStotram #Mantra #Shlokas #DevotionalSongs #HanumanChalisa #Hanuman
