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Скачать с ютуб 8 Ways to re-use old inner tubes | Cycling hacks в хорошем качестве

8 Ways to re-use old inner tubes | Cycling hacks 5 лет назад

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8 Ways to re-use old inner tubes | Cycling hacks

Don't think you have to toss out those old, no-air-holding tubes! In this video, I'll show you 8 ways you can re-use old and worn out inner tubes! From resistance bands to sling shots, there are literally dozens of ways you can repurpose old tubes. Leave a comment below and let me know what you do with your old inner tubes. If you found this video useful, please give it a "like" and subscribe! If you'd like to support the channel monetarily- Don't forget to follow me along on Instagram or Facebook @pennypinchingcyclist Bike Hacks. DIY. Upcycle. Recycle, Go green. Green living. Seths Bike Hacks.
