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How to make a Latte 2 года назад

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How to make a Latte

Extra Pointers The video uses a 20oz pitcher, 10oz cup, whole milk and a double shot espresso Lattes can range from 1:3 to 1:X espresso to milk ratio since a latte is just a reference to an espresso with steamed milk. Most commonly, lattes are made with ~1:4 espresso to milk ratio. Social media has perpetuated that filling up the cup to the rim is the way to go with lattes. Personally, I like to give around 1/2cm room in the cup so it is less spill prone. I've seen too many lattes bite the dust after being filled too high... Properly foamed milk is half the battle of good latte art. It's important to not only add the right amount of microfoam but also incorporate that foam throughout the pitcher with a whirlpool motion.
