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Скачать с ютуб One Pot Polish Sauerkraut Soup в хорошем качестве

One Pot Polish Sauerkraut Soup 2 года назад

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One Pot Polish Sauerkraut Soup

One Pot Polish Sauerkraut Soup 1.5 lb chopped Sauerkraut, slightly squeezed 4 smoked sausage of choice 2 medium carrots 2 medium onions 2-3 cups cubed potatoes 2-3 tbsp. tomato paste 2 tbsp. marjoram 1 tbsp. caraway seeds 3 small bay leaves 8 cups of chicken stock Thickening Agent 3 tbsp. butter 3tbsp. Flour Fry onion until golden. Add sausage and fry until golden. Add tomato paste and allow to stick slightly. Add spices and cook one minute. Add stock and remaining ingredients. Cook a half hour. Cook thickening agent until golden and add to soup. Allow to cook a few minutes until the juice is thickened slightly. Enjoy!😃
