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RJM Micro Line Mixer 1 год назад

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RJM Micro Line Mixer

Do you use a lot of delays and reverbs? If so, you'll definitely want to watch this video with Ron Menelli, Grant Klassen, Brian Omillion and Mason Marangella. Do you feel that your delay and reverb are softening the punch of your guitar How can you get the echoes and the punch of a dry guitar signal at the same time? Are you getting muddy or indistinct sounds? Would you like more clarity? Do you want more versatility in mixing mono and stereo effects? Have you been interested in a Wet-Dry-Wet setup but have a lot of questions? In this video we not only talk about our newest product, the RJM Micro Line Mixer, and answer the questions above but we also go into more depth on things that you can do with the PBC/6X and Mini Effect Gizmo X (MEGX), that you might not be aware of. (We shocked 3 professional rig builders with this hidden feature). Check out the entire video and to see more videos by Chairman of the Boards -    • Why We Love The RJM Micro Line Mixer ...  
