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Скачать с ютуб How Classical Muslim Scholars Treated the Mind, Body, and Soul | Holistic Healing with Dr. Rania в хорошем качестве

How Classical Muslim Scholars Treated the Mind, Body, and Soul | Holistic Healing with Dr. Rania 3 года назад

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How Classical Muslim Scholars Treated the Mind, Body, and Soul | Holistic Healing with Dr. Rania

In the previous episode of this series, we discussed the way Muslim scholars examined mental health illnesses. In this video, Dr. Raniaa Awaad delves into the treatment options these scholars employed. This helps us understand that mental health conditions are multifactorial and we must analyze and examine all contributing factors. This series is in collaboration with Stanford Muslim Mental Health Lab. #yaqeeninstitute #Mentalhealth #mentalhealthinIslam Click SUBSCRIBE for more great content! Visit for full access to all research publications, infographics, and videos. Join the conversation on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram @yaqeeninstitute!
