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The Quest // Trans-seasonal Campaign Film 3 месяца назад

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The Quest // Trans-seasonal Campaign Film

This AW24 Season, we weave a folkloric tale of heroes and villains, twist traditional fairytale characters and enter a surreal fantasy world where our characters set out on a journey into the unknown. Romanticised fairytale meets shamanic folklore, meets retro 90’s computer games to create the mysterious background for our epic quest. The collection is built with our signature genderless tailoring, bringing together a distinctly modern asymmetry with shapes and fabrics which hark back to an old world charm and the aristocracy, thereby turning tradition on it’s head. Each silhouette in the collection, be it a dramatic, draped coat or a hooded jacket with an armour-like quality, creates a character within the wearer, be it a hero, a villain or facets of both. The clothing becomes a treasured talisman or protective layer, allowing the wearer to transform and find the strength and force to conquer new ground. In a reflection of our world where popular beliefs, propaganda and brainwashing increasingly conform to unrealistic and twisted ‘ideals’, we celebrate imperfection and individuality as a powerful tool for finding your essence in order to carve your own true path. Our campaign set is built as an abstract landscape inspired by the flat, lo-fi depictions of fantasy lands in retro computer games. The campaign story is built in 5 stages - 1// Innocence. A dream-like, fairytale state where the characters are told to conform in a faux utopia. 2// Humble Beginnings. Through the wisdom of experience, learning and an innate 6th sense, the characters learn of an outer world and the imperfections of their own. 3// Inner Demons. Realising that their Utopia is a trap or a gilded cage, the characters battle with themselves and the outside, while not understanding how to change. 4// The Quest. Reflection has brought newfound wisdom and a plan of escape. Knowledge, direction and power brings confidence to the tasks and obstacles ahead. 5// Love/Triumph. The characters arrive at their destination, a promised land - although the real triumph is intangible and comes from their inner transformation from unlearning false teachings from their past. A proud and heroic moment of self discovery, self love and a sense of true belonging. Designer & Artistic Direction // Jude Ng Talent // Aziz Elkhazzari & Ana Migray Campaign + Set Styling // Victoria Haslam Hair & Makeup // Nisal Atapattu Cinematography // Bonn Creative
