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Citizenship amendment bill: Protests escalate ahead of Amit Shah’s Mizoram visit 5 лет назад

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Citizenship amendment bill: Protests escalate ahead of Amit Shah’s Mizoram visit

Union home minister, Amit Shah is scheduled to visit Mizoram’s Aizawl on October 5. He will address the issue of centre’s proposed bill to amend the Citizenship Act in November 2019. This has sparked large-scale protests across the North East organised by Mizoram’s powerful coordinated committee of NGO’s. The Bill will allow minority communities such as Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, Jains, Parsis etc, eligible to apply for Indian citizenship. Subscribe to Times Of India's Youtube channel here: Also Subscribe to Bombay Times Youtube Channel here: Social Media Links: Facebook :   / timesofindia   Twitter :   / timesofindia   Google + :
