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Kubernetes Services networking 4 года назад

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Kubernetes Services networking

Services are one of the key Kubernetes primitives you need to understand to glue microservices together and expose your applications outside of the cluster. The Service resource provides an abstract way to expose an application running on a set of Pods as a network service. Sounds simple, but what’s the difference between a Cluster IP, Node Port, and Load Balancer service? And how do all these abstractions translate to real under the covers networking behavior? This short video explains all this and more! In the video you’ll learn: How pods consume services within the cluster (Cluster IPs). The different ways a service can be consumed outside of the cluster (Node Ports, Load Balancers, and Service IP advertisement). What is External Traffic Policy and how does it impact a service? How Services and Network Policy interact. How all this works under the covers in concrete networking terms. What differences Calico’s native service handling capabilities bring to the picture compared to kube-proxy. Happy watching! 🔗Project Calico Resources You Might Need Kubernetes & Calico: 15-Minute Setup → Project Calico Documentation → Slack Us → Contribute on GitHub → Technical Blog → Calico Tutorials → Calico Certification →
