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Karlsruher - Jahn Regensberg | 4:2 | Zusammenfassung | 2. Bundesliga 2024-25 | ksc regensberg

Der 3:2-Sieg der Karlsruher gegen Jahn Regensburg am 16. Spieltag markiert einen entscheidenden Wendepunkt in ihrer Saison. Der hart erkämpfte Sieg, der durch einen späten Sieger gesichert wurde, beweist ihre Belastbarkeit und Fähigkeit, unter Druck Ergebnisse zu erzielen. karlsruher regensburg, karlsruher regensburg highlights, karlsruher ssv jahn, karlsruher ssv jahn highlights, ksc regensburg, ksc regensburg highlights, ksc ssv jahn, ksc ssv jahn highlights, jahn regensburg karlsruher, jahn regensburg karlsruher highlights, jahn regensburg ksc, jahn regensburg ksc highlights, ssv jahn karlsruher, ssv jahn karlsruher highlights, ssv jahn ksc, ssv jahn ksc highlights, 2 bundesliga, 2 bundesliga highlights, 2 bundesliga highlights heute, This video provides an analysis and match report of the 2. Bundesliga match between Karlsruher SC and SSV Jahn Regensburg. For official match highlights and full video coverage, please visit the official 2. Bundesliga YouTube channel. This content is intended for commentary and review purposes only and does not replace or serve as a substitute for official broadcasts or highlights. Facebook: Twitter:   / homeindiafootie   Telegram: Website: IndiaFooty is a Youtube Channel and website where football fans get information about Indian and International Leagues, Championships, Cups, Tournaments being played at International, National, State, District and City level. We cover and provide News of football matches, Live updates, match reports, match previews, historical facts, Indian football stats. #2Bundesliga #KSCSSV
