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Hooker Family - Hold On (Lyrics) 3 года назад

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Hooker Family - Hold On (Lyrics)

(Lyrics) Sometimes I feel afraid and seem to be blinded. By what I can't see and what lies before me. Then Jesus comes, and he says, “My child I'm here, hold on.” When the dark night comes around, And loneliness and emptiness invade my heart, And there's no one to guide me, Jesus comes, and he says, “my child, hold on”. Chorus: Hold on through the dark side, Hold on though the week is too long, My grace is a vision for thee. He can take your life And mold it into something new, He took nothing, and made something out of my life. It's yours to control, I give you my heart and my soul, I'll take your will, never mine, With treasure to find. Give wisdom to choices I make Along every path that I take, So that when I complete my day, “Well done,” you will say. 📖 Memory Verse Of The Day 📖 Exodus 15:14 The people shall hear, and be afraid: sorrow shall take hold on the inhabitants of Philistia. PLS LIKE👍 SHARE SUBCRIBE And Hit The Bell Button so you can always change your mind
