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Hungarian Market Madness || Pécs 1 год назад

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Hungarian Market Madness || Pécs

I took a trip to Pécs and the Villany wine lands last month. On saturday morning, there was time for a quick little pop over to the Pécs market. It used to be housed in a much older and more traditional building. But now they've moved just next door into a gleaming new structure. At first this was distressing to many locals, but now they seem to be quite content with their new market. It is a testament to the wonderful growing conditions which exist down in Baranya county! So much vivid, swelling and gorgeous produce on display. Hungarian Market Madness || Pécs . Ways to support my channel: 👕 buy a t-shirt: 💰 youtube subscription:    / @withwillie   💰 Patreon subscription: https://www.patreoncom/withwillie #PecsAdventure #HungarianMarketHaul #TravelHungary #PecsMarket #marketmadness #hungarian #hungarianmarket #pécs #HungarianCulture #PecsExploration #MarketDayPecs #HungarianCuisine #LocalTreasures #FarmToForkInPecs #HungarianHeritage #PecsInAPicture #BazaarBargains #FoodieInPecs #ArtisanGoodsHungary #DiscoverPecs #PecsStreetLife #HungarianHandicrafts #PecsFoodTour #ExploreHungary
