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Скачать с ютуб Ava Michelle's "Tall Girl" Co-Star, Griffin Gluck, Stood On Crates To Kiss Her в хорошем качестве

Ava Michelle's "Tall Girl" Co-Star, Griffin Gluck, Stood On Crates To Kiss Her 5 лет назад

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Ava Michelle's "Tall Girl" Co-Star, Griffin Gluck, Stood On Crates To Kiss Her

"Tall Girl" star Ava Michelle recounts how her co-star Griffin Gluck had to jump on a crate to kiss her but fell right through it. Because of that, the crew decided to have at least 10 crates on-set for that one scene. BUILD is a live interview series like no other—a chance for fans to sit inches away from some of today’s biggest names in entertainment, tech, fashion and business as they share the stories behind their projects and passions. Every conversation yields insights, inspiration and plenty of surprises as moderators and audience members ask questions. It all happens several times a day live and live-streamed on Follow us: TWITTER:   / buildseriesnyc   FACEBOOK:   / buildseriesnyc   INSTAGRAM:   / buildseriesnyc   #BUILDseries #Interview
