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Becca Stevens & The Secret Trio - California (Live Performance Video) 3 года назад

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Becca Stevens & The Secret Trio - California (Live Performance Video)

Becca Stevens & The Secret Trio - "California" Stream/Buy: From the album 'Becca Stevens & The Secret Trio' coming September 2021 Pre-Order/Pre-Save: This is a live performance of the album arrangement of “California” off of Becca Stevens & The Secret Trio (GroundUP Music). Becca Stevens - “I’ve known about Paul Curerri’s music for a long time, and this song has always been my favorite of his. I learned how to play the guitar part a few years ago and made a demo of it for a friend of mine as a gift. During the early stages of this album I threw this in my “writing scraps” folder just for fun. I was surprised to hear that Michael not only knows Paul’s music as well, but that Michael’s brother grew up playing music with Paul. Due to injuries, Paul Curreri is no longer able to play these songs himself, and it was very important to Michael and I that we do this arrangement justice. We love the contrast between California's normal idealized identity as the land of hope and opportunity and Paul's biting lyrics about the emptiness in the struggle.” Ara Dinkjian - Oud Ismail Lumanovski - Clarinet Tamer Pinarbaşi - Kanun Becca Stevens - Vocals, guitar “California” lyrics & music by Paul Curreri Arranged by Becca Stevens & Michael League Filmed by Kevin Pastor (Untitled Productions) Filmed at Flux Studios, NYC Video editing by Chris McQueen Audio recorded/engineered by Daniel Sanint Assistant engineered by Tom Beuchel Audio mixed by Nic Hard Audio mastered by Dave McNair Follow Becca Stevens: Instagram:   / beccastevensbsb   Facebook:   / beccastevensband   Twitter:   / beccastevensbsb   Website: Follow The Secret Trio Facebook:   / the-secret-trio-559567447426489   Instagram:   / secrettriomusic   "California” Lyrics By Paul Curreri Too few folks know how fun it is To believe in invisible stuff like this I'ma drink wine till I can see The great beyond in the room with me California Happy all the time Burn that bridge and bet that farm There's risk of loss when one wants this hard To drift among the untied knots To get your passport stamped where your heroes got caught California Happy all the time O, to wake and find the webbing gone And a circular structure in one's song Playing harmony to both earth and air And bobbing the heads of the unaware California The all in all is blue The all in all is blue Baby don't worry, you're why I'm here at all Follow GroundUP Music Facebook:   / groundupmusicworld   Twitter:   / groundupmusicny   Instagram:   / groundupmusicny   Website: #BeccaStevens #TheSecretTrio #GroundUPMusic
