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CELJE - Old Castle of Celje - SLOVENIA 2020

CELJE is the third biggest city in Slovenia. Its biggest sight is OLD CASTLE OF CELJE . Celje was first mentioned in 1322 and was home to the Counts of Celje, one of the most powerful noble families in Europe. Here we can find out about the history of Counts of Celje and the castle, we can see some of the castle furniture and weapons and visit a permanent exhibition of torture devices called The Theatre of Horror. It is worth taking a brochure about the Old Castle of Celje at the entrance, where you can find legends that are not on the descriptive boards. Old castle Celje also offers medieval feasts, guided tours, counts welcome, offers you becoming a knight with an unforgettable ritual or rent of the whole castle. From April to October you can witness live medieval history including archery, sword fighting, armory and meet characters from that time. At THE CELJE REGIONAL MUSEUM you can experience Celje’s rich past from prehistoric times to the modern age in the finest museum exhibition site in Slovenia. A part of Celje regional museum is located in Old Count’s Mansion, where we can see the famous painted Celje Ceiling. MUSIC: [No Copyright] Free Happy Uplifting Background Music for Cook Vlog and Cute Pets videos -    • Positive & Happy Background Music for...  
