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LUXURY INTERIOR DESIGN: for spending the best life

One project with the freshest spaces of luxury interior design for spending the best evenings, weekends, the best life. Each unit that we create is a space which we relate with the utmost trepidation. We make them as if for ourselves. And the best part is when our feelings and sensations coincide with yours utterly. Get more luxury interior design 2020 projects via our website: To find more inspiration on luxury interior design ideas, follow us on social media:   / yodezeen_architects     / yodezeen     / yodezeen 🎬 Talents Starring 🎬 Co-founders & Lead Architects — Artem Zverev, Artur Sharf Lead Architect — Anna Miskova Senior Architect — Maksim Sidorchuk Lead Designer — Gleb Brizhanov Lead Designer — Denis Tereshin Middle designer — Anzhelika Gabruskaya Interior finishing manager — Alena Pashkevich Video Production: 16on9 #yodezeen_architects #yodezeen #yo_interiors
