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Head To Head: MG3 Hybrid+ vs Honda City RS Hatchback | CarGuide.PH 2 недели назад

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Head To Head: MG3 Hybrid+ vs Honda City RS Hatchback | CarGuide.PH

MG Philippines made headlines when they launched the country's most affordable hybrid, the MG3 Hybrid+. Competing in the competitive, but shrinking sub-compact hatchback market, it goes against the perennial favorite and benchmark, the Honda City RS Hatchback. Itself updated for 2024, can the City RS maintain its lead over the newcomer? Nics and Uly investigate. #MGCars #MGCarsPhilippines #MG3 #Honda #HondaPhil #HondaCity #CityHatchback #Subcompact #CarReview #Comparo #CarGuidePH
