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Gigantes pelo Mundo - Visit Brasil - Itacaré Bahia 2 года назад

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Gigantes pelo Mundo - Visit Brasil - Itacaré Bahia

The great vibes of “Axé” and the Capoeira set the rhythm of our next trip. This episode of the Gigantes Pelo Mundo web series, sponsored by @visitbrasil, takes place at the Brazilian Cocoa Coast, where the country’s delicious chocolate was first harvested. Of course, it is also a surfing paradise, highly ranked both among professionals and amateurs. Welcome to Itacaré, Bahia, where the sea is never flat and the food is as tasty as it gets.   We start our journey flying above the amazing Villa Rosa, a 100 year-old Cocoa Farm near Itacaré, surrounded by lush nature and endless waves. It is a perfect example of the varied features that the state of Bahia has inherited.   When it comes to surfing, there are endless possibilities. Itacaré is a very welcoming place for any kind of surfer, whether you are a beginner or a professional. The city is a starting point for many athletes, such as Davi Silva. This place is all about surfing, not only as an activity but as part of its culture, lifestyle and economy.   There is much more to say about Itacaré, but we’d rather invite you to watch the video, where we’ve tried our best to represent everything the city means to Brazil, to the natives and to the ones who’ve decided to call it home.   Disclaimer: we do not take responsibility if you start dancing, feel like eating some "acarajé" or decide to book a flight to Itacaré after watching this video.
