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Скачать с ютуб Agioi Apostoli 🇬🇷 Area & Beaches 🌴 Crete 🏖 Greece в хорошем качестве

Agioi Apostoli 🇬🇷 Area & Beaches 🌴 Crete 🏖 Greece 2 года назад

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Agioi Apostoli 🇬🇷 Area & Beaches 🌴 Crete 🏖 Greece

Worth to see on your holiday in Agioi Apostoli? Take a walk with me around in the area and watch the beautiful beaches in Agioi Apostoli. Watch more videos in my Crete playlist:    • Agia Marina & Platanias🌴Crete 🏖 Greec...   LIKE & SUBSCRIBE to my channel, and add playlist for "My Favorite Holiday Places" and get inspiration for your next holiday. #AgioiApostoli​​ #Platanias​​​ #Myfavoriteholidayplaces​​ #Crete​​ #Greece Three green peninsulas extend like protective arms into the sea. Between them, the beaches are in bays, which means that you bathe in shelter from waves and currents. Not far away is Agii Apostoli's small center with shops, taverns and bars.
