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Скачать с ютуб Man loses $133K in moving company fraud case, will 'never trust' Truist bank again в хорошем качестве

Man loses $133K in moving company fraud case, will 'never trust' Truist bank again 2 года назад

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Man loses $133K in moving company fraud case, will 'never trust' Truist bank again

Perran Davis flipped open a blue folder, digging through dozens of pages of records he’s collected in the three months since someone drained his father’s estate account of more than $133,000. FULL STORY: Thanks for stopping by Queen City News' YouTube channel! We’re proud to bring you local stories, breaking news, in-depth investigations, Charlotte-area weather, and more! Subscribe to Queen City News YouTube:    / queencitynews   Watch more Queen City News videos: Visit our other social media channels!   / yqcnews     / queen_city_news     / fox46charlotte  
