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Скачать с ютуб Are The Abraham Accords The Middle East Peace Deal That Ends the Israeli-Arab Conflict? | Unpacked в хорошем качестве

Are The Abraham Accords The Middle East Peace Deal That Ends the Israeli-Arab Conflict? | Unpacked 3 года назад

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Are The Abraham Accords The Middle East Peace Deal That Ends the Israeli-Arab Conflict? | Unpacked

Oct '23 Hamas-Israel War:    • Hamas-Israel War Has Changed Everything   In September 2020, the Abraham Accords officially recognized and established relations between Israel and the UAE, Bahrain, Sudan, and Morocco. Chapters 00:00 Intro 00:48 History of Arab wars with Israel 01:05 History of Arab peace deals with Israel 01:29 Mutual concerns over Iran 01:37 Moves towards normalization with the UAE and Bahrain 02:56 Sudan joins the Abraham Accords 03:45 Morocco joins the Abraham Accords 04:36 Reactions to the Abraham Accords 05:37 Palestinian reliance on Arab pressure on Israel 06:00 Shifting attitudes in the Arab world Subscribe and turn on your notifications so you don’t miss future uploads! Recommended series— History of Israel Explained:    • The History of Israel Explained - Rec...   Let’s connect: Website — Instagram —   / jewishunpacked   Twitter —   / jewishunpacked   TikTok —   / jewishunpacked   Facebook —   / jewishunpacked   ----------- Gold Level: Walder Foundation Silver Level: Bob & Michelle Diener Iris & Shalom Maidenbaum Joseph & Sarah Weinberg Foundation Bronze Level: Betsy & Philip Darivoff Anne & Jerry Gontownik Howard & Helaine Resnick Family Foundation Marci & Keith Shapiro Alan Fisher & Barbara Sommer Jon & Rachel Teller ______ Image and Footage credits: AP Archive Brooklyn Street Art/David Freid Flickr/dignidadrebelde, Takver, Edgardo W. Olivera, Northern Lights 119, Stephen Melkisethian i24NEWS Israel GPO/Rudi Weissenstein Library of Congress NewMarky Patrick Little Twitter/Siamak Kordestani About The Israeli-Palestinian Context: Learn about one of the most contested issues of our time, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, through a nuanced exploration of multiple perspectives. In this series we put radical and superficial opinions to the side in order to ask highly debated questions about Zionism, discuss accusations of apartheid, explain who Israelis really are, and more—all in hopes of leading to a better future for both sides. About Unpacked: We provide nuanced insights by unpacking all things Jewish. People are complex and complicated — yet we’re constantly being pushed to oversimplify our world. At Unpacked we know that being complex makes us more interesting. Because of this, we break the world down with nuance and insight to drive your curiosity and challenge your thinking. #Israel #Progressive #Zionism
