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How much is his dollar rate today in Ethiopia 1 dollar is equal to how many Ethiopian Birr

Thanks for watching please like and subscribe any others question contact my WhatsApp no 7550569177 Note - Like a good and true citizen you should also help us, those who are poor they do not have money even to eat food we should help them. Donating some of our money can help a poor person We help those people like orphans or handicapped and who sleep on the road no money to eat food old destitute who have no money to get married etc. Some people have donated and you also contribute. Thank you. please check About Section God will help you if you help the poor God bless You Charity Owner Faiyaz Ahmed Bank Name IDBI Bank Account No 1206104000499682 Swift Code IBKLINBB010 IFSC Code IBKL0001206 WhatsApp - 7550569177 Phone pe - 7550569177 Facebook :   / jaidev.verma.758   Instagram : YouTube :    / onlinejaidev  
