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Скачать с ютуб The Best Of Pandit Jasraj | Audio Jukebox | Vocal | Classical | Music Today в хорошем качестве

The Best Of Pandit Jasraj | Audio Jukebox | Vocal | Classical | Music Today 9 лет назад

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The Best Of Pandit Jasraj | Audio Jukebox | Vocal | Classical | Music Today

This priceless audio jukebox opens with Pandit Jasraj’s trademark piece in Bairagi Bhairav. It goes on to take you through some of the most popular works from the maestro’s repertoire, including Darbari Kanhada and the soothing Raga Marwa. Track list: 1. Raga Bairagi Bhairav 2. Raga Basant Mukhari 3. Raga Bhatiyaar 4. Raga Madhmad Sarang 5. Raga Charukeshi 6. Raga Darbari Kanhada 7. Raga Shankara 8. Raga Marwa Enjoy and stay connected! Subscribe Music Today channel for unlimited entertainment    / @musictodaytv  
