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The Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

Uncover the intricate events leading to the First World War and the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand. Explore the web of alliances, the rise of nationalism, and the devastating consequences of a conflict that shaped the course of history. → Subscribe for new videos at least twice a week! Love content? Check out Simon's other YouTube Channels: Biographics:    / @biographics   Geographics:    / @geographicstravel   MegaProjects:    / @megaprojects9649   SideProjects:    / @sideprojects   Casual Criminalist:    / @thecasualcriminalist   TopTenz:    / toptenznet   Today I Found Out:    / todayifoundout   Highlight History:    / @highlighthistory   XPLRD:    / @xplrd   Business Blaze:    / @brainblaze6526   Simon's Social Media: Twitter:   / simonwhistler   Instagram:   / simonwhistler  
