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Скачать с ютуб CRAVINGS: Episode 10 | Mini Carrot Cakes with Creme Cheese Frosting | Georgia's Cakes в хорошем качестве

CRAVINGS: Episode 10 | Mini Carrot Cakes with Creme Cheese Frosting | Georgia's Cakes 7 месяцев назад

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CRAVINGS: Episode 10 | Mini Carrot Cakes with Creme Cheese Frosting | Georgia's Cakes

What's better than a slice of carrot cake? A mini carrot cake of course! We're back with a new episode of Cravings with these delicate mini cakes with creme cheese frosting. Moist, spicy, fluffy little loaf cakes with a hint of creme cheese really hits the sweet spot when you're craving a little treat. Check out my other recipes in this series on my channel, as well as detailed cake decorating tutorials too. Enjoy! x Recipe: 120g neutral oil 120g light brown sugar (or 60g white sugar and 60g dark brown sugar) 100 (2) eggs 125g self raising flour or 119g plain flour with 6g baking powder 1tsp ground cinnamon 1tsp ground ginger 1/2 tsp vanilla extract 200g finely grated carrot 50g raisins 30g crushed walnuts @georgiascakes Order my book today! Online Courses: Advance Cake Design: Cupcake Design: Cake Perfect: Sweet Treats: Use GEORGIA10 for 10% off your order at Lissie Lou London! Use GC10 for 10% any size OLBAA cake packaging Use Georgia20 for 20% off your order of cake equipment, ingredients and more at Sugar Arts Canada! See all my photography and baking equipment in my Amazon Storefront:
