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Скачать с ютуб Who knew the N64 could look this good? - Nintendo 64 HD Setup with EON Super 64 | Nintendrew в хорошем качестве

Who knew the N64 could look this good? - Nintendo 64 HD Setup with EON Super 64 | Nintendrew 5 лет назад

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Who knew the N64 could look this good? - Nintendo 64 HD Setup with EON Super 64 | Nintendrew

In this video, we’ll check out the Super 64 from EON Gaming, and push it to its limits to determine the ultimate HD setup for Nintendo 64. Thanks for watching! BECOME A MEMBER! ▶▶ Patreon:   / nintendrew   Facebook:   / nintendrew   Twitter:   / nintendrew_   Twitch:   / nintendrew_   Instagram:   / nintendrewyt   Discord:   / discord   Affiliate links below (use code “nintendrew” for 10% off!!) EON Super 64: mCable Gaming Edition: Super 64 and mCable bundle: RetroTINK 2X upscaler: Recording/Live Stream Gear I use: Game Capture HD60 S Stream Deck Elgato Green Screen Check them all out right here!: Wanna send something in for the channel? Feel free to use this mailing address!: Nintendrew P.O. Box 30 Woodburn, KY 42170 USA Thanks to Loeder for the use of his sick tunes:    / @loedermusic   Looking for links to some of the decor, tools, or accessories you see in my videos? Check out my Amazon recommendations page! #Nintendo64 #Super64 #Retrogaming
