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Скачать с ютуб Corneal Crosslinking / Pt. IV Overview of Keratoconus for Optometry Students в хорошем качестве

Corneal Crosslinking / Pt. IV Overview of Keratoconus for Optometry Students 4 года назад

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Corneal Crosslinking / Pt. IV Overview of Keratoconus for Optometry Students

In this video Dr. Jessica Sun from the Southern California College of Optometry breaks down corneal cross-linking (CXL) as a treatment for Keratoconus. She describes how CXL works, compares Epi-off to Epi-on cross-linking, and educates on the importance of early diagnosis to effectively preserve the best possible vision and halt progression of the disease using CXL. This is Part IV/IV of the series: "Overview of Keratoconus for Optometry Students" brought to you by the Marshall B. Ketchum University's Southern California College of Optometry (SCCO) and the National Keratoconus Foundation (NKCF). This is a World KC Day program. Special thanks to Erin Rueff, OD, PhD, FAAO for serving as the series moderator. If you are an optometry student, please fill out the form here (NKCF will send you a free gift!): » To learn more about NKCF: » To learn more about SCCO: » To learn more about World KC Day:
