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Скачать с ютуб Sara Sharif’s death is one of the most distressing cases Surrey Police have dealt with - detective в хорошем качестве

Sara Sharif’s death is one of the most distressing cases Surrey Police have dealt with - detective 3 дня назад

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Sara Sharif’s death is one of the most distressing cases Surrey Police have dealt with - detective

Detective Chief Inspector Craig Emmerson said Sara Sharif’s murder is “one of the most difficult and distressing” cases Surrey Police has ever dealt with. In a statement to the media outside the Old Bailey on Wednesday, he said: “Sara’s death has been one of the most difficult and distressing cases that Surrey Police has ever dealt with. “The murder of a child is absolutely shocking but the abuse Sara suffered during her short life has made this case particularly disturbing. “Today justice for Sara has been served and our thoughts remain with Sara’s mother and her siblings at this extremely difficult time.” Daily Record Homepage: Daily Record Facebook:   / thescottishdailyrecord   Daily Record IG:   / scottishdailyrecord   Daily Record Twitter:   / daily_record   Daily Record Newsletters: Join our WhatsApp communities here and get the latest news sent straight to your messages: DAILY RECORD: RECORD SPORT RANGERS: RECORD SPORT CELTIC: You can get all the latest news, sport, showbiz and comment at LIKE | COMMENT | SUBSCRIBE | SHARE #DailyRecord #Crime #News
