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Why Nintendo Didn't Want to Hire Shigeru Miyamoto

Go to my sponsor and learn how you can get started with a Game Development degree. Shigeru Miyamoto may have become Nintendo's superstar developer, but his career with the company very nearly ended before it began. An unfocused student with any real idea of what he wanted to do with his life, Miyamoto applied to Nintendo in the hopes of becoming an artist or a toymaker, only to learn that actually, the company didn't need any artists, or indeed any new employees that lacked engineering experience. Nintendo was in a period of transition, and its president, Hiroshi Yamauchi, was struggling to find a direction for the company. Early successes in the precursor to arcades, as well as the popular Game & Watch series of handheld games, had led Yamauchi to bet the company's future on electronic entertainment. When Shigeru Miyamoto was initially rejected by a Nintendo recruiter, a friend of the family said that he might be able to get him an interview anyway. Miyamoto found himself face-to-face with Yamauchi himself, in an interview that changed his life forever. Lots of love, BretonStripes and Kotor (and family) Music by Holizna
