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Скачать с ютуб 🇹🇼Bartender at Toronto🇨🇦|認了一個裁縫師父🪡Learning from Tailor Master|員工派對🥂Staff Party|嚴重思鄉💧Getting Homesick в хорошем качестве

🇹🇼Bartender at Toronto🇨🇦|認了一個裁縫師父🪡Learning from Tailor Master|員工派對🥂Staff Party|嚴重思鄉💧Getting Homesick 3 дня назад

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🇹🇼Bartender at Toronto🇨🇦|認了一個裁縫師父🪡Learning from Tailor Master|員工派對🥂Staff Party|嚴重思鄉💧Getting Homesick

最近很常聽到一段話:「勇敢的人先享受世界。」 身為一個愛跳脫框架的人 我不敢說每次的勇敢都會換來享受 但一定會換來收穫 儘管過程不一定輕鬆 某天閒來無事 到家附近的Kensington Market走走 經過一間被滿滿皮衣擋著 看不太到內部陳設的店 好奇心使然 我就這麼走進去 也就這麼跟老闆爺爺聊了一整個下午 我分享剛買的甜甜圈給他 他泡茶給我喝 並帶我複習如何踩車縫機 在我畢業後的第五年 突然想要做自己的衣服 於是報名了實踐大學服裝設計進修課 三個月的課程結束後 我沒有繼續報名進階課程 因為當時🇨🇦的打工度假中簽了 本來以為經過一兩年沒有複習的情況再回台灣學習會落後 結果就因為那一天的無心 造就了這段緣分 再者 農曆春節一個人過的關係 我發現自己是會因為節日想家的人 但若我沒有出國 我不會有這份對自己更深的了解 也不會體會到在被這裡的🇹🇼人邀請聚餐 以及被🇭🇰朋友邀請去新年派對的那份感動 所以 我不敢說勇敢的人一定會享受到世界 但我相信 你的勇敢一定是出自不想後悔 光這份心意 你就值得擁有更好的世界了 Lately, I’ve been hearing this phrase a lot: “The brave get to enjoy the world first.” As someone who loves stepping outside the box, I can’t say that every act of bravery leads to enjoyment—but it always brings growth, even if the journey isn’t always easy. One day, with nothing in particular to do, I took a walk around Kensington Market near my place. I passed by a store hidden behind racks of leather jackets, its interior barely visible. Curiosity got the best of me, so I stepped inside—and ended up chatting with the elderly shop owner for an entire afternoon. I shared the donut I had just bought, he brewed me tea, and he even gave me a refresher on how to use a sewing machine. Five years after graduating, I suddenly had the urge to make my own clothes. So, I enrolled in a fashion design course at Shih Chien University. After three months, I didn’t continue to the advanced classes—because that’s when I was chosen from the lottery for my 🇨🇦 working holiday visa. I once thought that taking a break for a year or two would set me back in my learning. But that one spontaneous moment led to an unexpected connection. On top of that, spending Lunar New Year alone made me realize that holidays do make me miss home. But if I hadn’t moved abroad, I wouldn’t have gained this deeper understanding of myself. I also wouldn’t have felt the warmth of being invited to gatherings by fellow 🇹🇼 Taiwanese here, or the joy of celebrating at a New Year’s party with my 🇭🇰 Hong Kong friends. So, I won’t say that the brave always get to enjoy the world. But I do believe that bravery comes from a desire to live without regrets. And that alone means you deserve a world that’s even better.
