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ELANDOR: THE ENEMY - Official Teaser

Elandor präsentieren ihren ersten Trailer des neuen Musik-Videos zu der am 25 Mai 2018 erschienenen Single "The Enemy". #dark #elandor #band #music #frankfurt #musicvideo #musikvideo #enemy #creature #horror #guitar #drums #gothic #rock #rockband #nocturalstudios #performance #female #acoustic #synthsizer #alternative #alternativerock #creepy #piano #electronicmusic Das wohl düsterste Kapitel der Band beginnt dieses Jahr und entführt Euch in eine Komplett neue und düstere Welt. Elandor presents their new musicvideo of the Single "The Enemy" .Be a part in the beginning of the darkest Chapter in Band History so far! Elandor is a combination of dark rock guitars an Deep drumset and synthesizers Melodic Dark-Rock from Frankfurt. As the name suggests, you get a lot of gimmicks and versatility. Elandor combine the full beauty of Gothic with the concentrated power of rock, creating a distinctive sound that sounds refreshingly new with the help of numerous, versatile synths. The lyrics describe a distinct, dark world created of melancholy, love, and darkness. The constant change between gothic-typical depths and poignant heights in the vocal passages, which are carried by hard guitars, drums and playful synths, are a trademark of the band. Videoproduktion by Emma Kühnel Noctural Studios Aftereffects by Noctural Studios audio fx by Noctural Studios Music by Elandor set assistent Christina Gräber Girl Victoria Gräber Video and sound recording by: © 2018 Noctural Studios © 2024.Elandor Alben oder Singles hier bestellen: Order the Album or Single : The Enemy : Loveless Mind : Dark Asylum: Spotify : Follow us: Instagram: Facebook: Soundcloud:
