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Getting Started with Azure Event Hub: A Complete Introduction

Learn the fundamentals of Azure Event Hub in this comprehensive introduction. Discover how Event Hub can help you process and manage large amounts of event data in a scalable, secure and real-time manner. Whether you're new to cloud computing or an experienced developer, this video will provide you with a solid understanding of the key concepts and features of Azure Event Hub Please follow and ask any question to our linkedin profile and twitter or our web site and we will try to help you with answer. Linkedin   / softwizcircle   twitter   / soft_wiz   website FB   / softwiz-circle-113226280507946   Here Group of People are sharing their Knowledge about Software Development. They are from different Top MNC. We are doing this for community. It will help student and experience IT Pro to prepare and know about Google, Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft, Apple, Netflix etc and how these company works and what their engineer do. They will share knowledge about Azure, AWS , Cloud, Python, Java,.Net and other important aspect of Software Development.
