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Скачать с ютуб Solo 24 hours in NYC | exploring the city, chatty vlog, attending the Victoria's Secret Runway Show в хорошем качестве

Solo 24 hours in NYC | exploring the city, chatty vlog, attending the Victoria's Secret Runway Show 1 месяц назад

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Solo 24 hours in NYC | exploring the city, chatty vlog, attending the Victoria's Secret Runway Show

first SOLO trip ever? Spend a solo 24 hours in NYC with me. Exploring the city and a very REAL & OPEN chatty vlog. I was so grateful to be inviting to the Victoria's Secret Runway show and I share all the behind the scenes of attending the show. Hope you enjoy & make sure to subscribe if your new :) socials: Instagram: Kaylieestewart   / kaylieestew.  . Tiktok: Kaylieestewart find my links here: Email For Collaborations: [email protected] Music in this video: Free Music for Videos 👉 Music by Dakkuma - Where you are - Free Music for Videos 👉 Music by Mark Generous - Dry Cycles - Free Music for Videos 👉 Music by Mr Tav, Tuisku - Reborn -
