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Mindcrack UHC 14 - Episode 1 - Team Ol' Yeller

Welcome to Ultra Hardcore Season 14! As usual, health regeneration is turned off, so the only way to restore health is golden apples or health potions. For this season we're using a mumble plugin that allows us to hear any players within our immediate vicinity. .:TEAMS:. ======== Baj -    / w92baj   Genny -    / generikb   ---------------- Pause -    / pauseunpause   Arkas -    / arkasmc   ---------------- Vechs:    / vechz   Zisteau:    / zisteau   ---------------- Pakratt -    / pakratt13   BTC -    / blamethecontroller   ---------------- Doc -    / docm77   Jsano -    / jsano19   ---------------- Mhykol -    / mhykol   Kurt -    / kurtjmac   ---------------- Nebris -    / nebris88   MC -    / supermcgamer   ---------------- Guude:    / guude   Etho:    / ethoslab   ---------------- Anderz -    / imanderzel   Seth -    / sethbling   ---------------- Pyro -    / pyropuncher   Avidya -    / avidyazen   Twitters:!/W92Baj ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Donations: Dont forget to let me know your name and YT name if you have one. ALL DONATIONS GOING TO 'PAY BAJ'S RENT' fund' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- T-shirts: / Official Mindcrack logo T-shirts: http://officialmindcrack.spreadshirt.... /
