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Sheep farming in TURKEY 🐑

This was back in November 2022 so it was pre earthquake. We are all thinking of the tragedy that has hit so many families over there and in Syria and we have donated to the DEC appeal which I would urge you to do if you can afford it. We visited 3 sheep farms and a Kangal shepherd dog breeding farm. Interested to see how the comments go on this one! Cammy ---------------------------------------- For more content please check out my Patreon page -   / thesheepgame   #TePari ---------------------------- OUR MAIN SPONSOR - TE PARI UK - The handling system you see in my videos is the Racewell HD4 Sheep Handler THANKS TO OUR CHANNEL PARTNERS - Crystalyx UK - CF Moto UK - Flockwatch by Herdwatch - WAYS TO SUPPORT MY CHANNEL - MERCHANDISE - Have a look at our merch store. We ship worldwide. ------------------------------------- ABOUT ME I’m 32 years old and I’m a sheep farmer from Ayrshire in South West Scotland, which is why I have such a strong accent! I was born and raised on a sheep farm watching my dad who was the shepherd. At 18 I went away from farming to work in the city (something I still do) and at 23 (2013) I decided I wanted to do something for some extra money so I went on a sheep shearing course. The hardest thing I’ll ever do was learning to shear sheep. [shudders thinking about it] I shore whilst on my holidays from work for 2 years and then in 2015 my dad died so I decided to get my own sheep so I could continue working with sheep as it was something I loved doing. From there it escalated quickly from my first 4 sheep in my mum’s garden to now running around 850 breeding ewes. I shore over 19,000 sheep this season in the UK and have my own shearing run which lets you see many different farms in the summer months. A few years ago I bought myself a sheep pregnancy scanner and have been building up my run since then. I watched a few farm vlogs on YouTube and decided I could have a go and now here we are! Thanks for watching my videos and please subscribe if you want to see more in future.
