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Mareux - Summertime 3 года назад

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Mareux - Summertime

Predestiny EP, 2020 Los Angeles, California Support and follow the band: Bandcamp: Instagram: Facebook:   / mareuxmusic   Soundcloud:   / mareux   Lyrics You say a lot for someone who isn't there You do a lot for someone who doesn't care I know it's only been seven years But I'm still broken that you disappeared Summertime is boring When you're always locked inside I was hoping that you'd show me A way to walk A way to walk away I don't know why I've missed you lately But you gave me something that I've been craving I never asked you for a second chance 'Cause being alone was always in my plans Summertime is boring When you're always locked inside I was hoping that you'd show me A way to walk A way to walk away This channel is only for the purpose of promoting music. All rights belong to their respective owners. I do not own any of this content.
