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10 Amazing Horror Movies on Hulu Right Now! | Ghost Pirate Entertainment

10 Best Hulu Horror Movies You Might Have Missed | Horror Movie Guide | February 2022 Sick of looking for good horror movies to watch on Shudder, Tubi, Hulu, Netflix, Prime Video or other streaming services? Well..... I do a deep dive every week into one of the streaming services, and give you 10 more recommendations to watch. Each week I also review the latest as well as classic horror movies. So if you enjoy horror entertainment this might be the channel for you! So do me a favor and hit that subscribe button and ring that little bell because that is the best way to keep track of this channel, also crush that “like” button and REMEMBER HORROR CAN BE FUN! ----------Video Chapters---------- 00:00 Hulu Horror movies to watch | Feb 2022 00:33 Mother / Android 01:49 Little Monsters 03:18 We need to do something 04:55 Arrival 06:35 Bloodline 07:54 Under the skin 09:25 Graveyard shift 11:03 Wrinkles the clown 12:32 Thinner 14:12 Red eye 15:30 Credits ____________________________________ Help Produce Ghost pirate entertainment now on patreon   / ghostpirateentertainment   ____________________________________ Social media: Facebook:   / ghostpirateentertainment   Instagram:   / ghostpirateentertainment   Twitter:   / ghostpirateent   ____________________________________ See hand resurrected mask on eBay: __________________________________ #Hulu #MovieReview #GhostPirateEntertainment
