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Mysterious Secrets of the Dokos Shipwreck - Oldest shipwreck found 1 год назад

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Mysterious Secrets of the Dokos Shipwreck - Oldest shipwreck found

Hello Everyone, Welcome to our "MIND BLOWN" channel! Thank you so much for stopping by. In this video, we want to show you "Unearthing the Mysterious Secrets of the Dokos Shipwreck'. It is ann archaeological treasure that lies off the coast of Greece. Believed to date back to the 4th century BC, this shipwreck offers a unique glimpse into the maritime history of ancient civilizations. According to HIMA, the Cycladic pottery evidence is dated to around 2200 BC, which makes the Dokos wreck the oldest known underwater shipwreck yet discovered. The clay pots appear to be merchandise from an ancient Argolida manufacturing facility. It is presumed that these were intended for trade to small coastal villages around the Gulf of Argos and the Myrtoan Sea. The cargo site consists of one of the largest collections of Early Helladic II pottery is known. This Helladic pottery technology developed before the invention of the pottery wheel. The pottery consisted of hundreds of ceramic pieces including cups, kitchenware, and urns. Over 500 clay vases were uncovered, dating to the Early Helladic period. There were a variety of sauceboats in multiple shapes and sizes. The bowls and sauceboats of the Early Helladic period were the most common types found in southern and central Greece. After further inspection of the sauceboats, it has been suggested that these types resemble those from Askitario in Attica and are comparable to ones in Lerna and the Cyclades. This evidence shows that the shipwreck may lie on the maritime trade route from South Euboea to the Saronic and Argolid Gulfs. There were many amphorae found, as well as basins, wide-mouthed jars, braziers, baking trays, askoi, pithoi, and common household utensils. Stone anchors were also found 40 meters from the wreck. The anchors consisted of two large boulders with holes bored in them, which likely would have been dropped before the ship sank. Lead ingots used for trade were also found. The merchant ship had a wide variety of tableware and it is speculated that it traded all over the region. During the 1989 to 1992 HIMA excavation, the site produced more than 15,000 pottery sherds and artefacts. They also found many millstones at the site, speculated to have been part of the ship's cargo or possibly used as ballast. These artefacts and items were raised from the sea floor and transported to the Spetses Museum, where they will be studied and placed into conservation. If you enjoyed this video and found it helpful, please share my channel and videos with others. LIKE and SUBSCRIBE to our "MIND BLOWN" channel, and turn on the NOTIFICATION BELL to never miss another video. 🔥 Don't Miss Out! Subscribe to MIND BLOWN for Mysteries Explained! 🚀🌌 👉 👈 🔍 Check Out More Mind-Blowing Content from MIND BLOWN 🔍 🎥    • Colombia plane Crash, 4 children surv...   🎥    • Space Tour for real? Virgin Galactic ...   🎥    • Canada BURNING - Affects of wildfire ...   🔮 About MIND BLOWN 🔮 MIND BLOWN is your go-to channel for mind-blowing videos that'll leave you saying, "Whoa, dude!" We're all about bringing you the most fascinating stories from the past, present, and maybe even the future. Brace yourself for shockingly cool content that'll blow your socks off! 🧦💥 #mindblown #dokosshipwreck
