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Destiny 2: The Witch Queen - Reveal Trailer 3 года назад

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Destiny 2: The Witch Queen - Reveal Trailer

Sister of Shapes, Sword-Breaker, Witch Queen – which of my many names lives on your lips as you weave your story around me? Even as you tread carefully through my courtyard, among those who worship the Light I have gifted, would you deny me the virtue of this power? Your answers are telling, Guardian. Ponder them and question those who promise you clarity in the face of all you see here. Listen as their voice wavers. And as you lift your new steel from the heart of your forge, ask yourself, “What force wields you?” I await you, Guardian. Step into my Throne World and behold the truth. Learn more: FOLLOW DESTINY: Facebook:   / destinythegame   Twitter:   / destinythegame   Instagram:   / destinythegame   Discord:   / discord   FOLLOW BUNGIE: Facebook:   / bungie   Twitter:   / bungie   Instagram:   / bungie   ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ Dive into the free-to-play world of Destiny 2 to experience responsive first-person shooter combat, explore the mysteries of our solar system, and unleash elemental abilities against powerful enemies. Create your Guardian and collect unique weapons, armor, and gear to customize your look and playstyle. Experience Destiny 2’s cinematic story alone or with friends, join other Guardians for challenging co-op missions, or compete against them in a variety of PvP modes.
