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Скачать с ютуб Animal Story for Kids + MORE Stories for Children from Steve and Maggie | Learn Wow English TV в хорошем качестве

Animal Story for Kids + MORE Stories for Children from Steve and Maggie | Learn Wow English TV 7 лет назад

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Animal Story for Kids + MORE Stories for Children from Steve and Maggie | Learn Wow English TV

Steve tells a story about him and Maggie how they met for a first time. It was a lovely encounter in a pet shop. Next, Steve and Maggie eat some delicious healthy snacks together. Finally, it’s time for Steve’s lunch or dinner or breakfast. Oh no, Steve can’t have a breakfast or lunch or dinner. Let’s jump into this English collection for children with Steve and Maggie. Steve repeats words such as a turtle, a spider and a rabbit. HAVE FUN and learn English! Funny short stories for children with Steve and Maggie are great. English learning and speaking is easy. -------------------- VISIT: . INSTAGRAM:   / steveandmaggieofficial   FACEBOOK:   / steveandmaggie   . SHOP: SpreadShirt: Teespring: . APPS FOR KIDS: . ENGLISH TEACHING MATERIALS for kids: . SHOUTOUTS and personalised messages via: . SONGS FOR KIDS: iTunes: Spotify: . Support us and receive a personalised birthday message for your child from Steve. Patreon:   / steveandmaggie   -------------------- Produced by © Wattsenglish Ltd. ©
