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Underglow is something that was prevalent in the car community in the late 90's and early 2000's but it slowly died off because it was considered "rice". But its 2022 and Underglow is back baby! Under glow is a great way of making your car unique to you and its a very easy modification to install which is why its starting to win over so many hearts. Today we installed the worlds best under glow on the market right now on the 2022 Subaru BRZ/ Toyota GR86. You mightve seen some of this on car tiktok or instagram but this new underglow kit is super bright to the point where you can even see it when there is some sunlight out! Not only that but it has a million different color options and it has a cool effect where it looks like chasing colors! Overall it was a super easy install and I would definitely recommend LOWGLOW! LOWGLOW   / lowglow.sho.  . Instagram - @BeaKhan Tiktok - @beakhan_ #2022brz #gr86 #underglow installing the worlds best underglow kit
