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Скачать с ютуб Swatching all 40 Jacquard Acid Dye Colors, LIVE! в хорошем качестве

Swatching all 40 Jacquard Acid Dye Colors, LIVE! Трансляция закончилась 5 лет назад

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Swatching all 40 Jacquard Acid Dye Colors, LIVE!

Dyer Supplier sent me a complete collection of Jacquard Acid Dyes. (40 colors!) Let's take a quick look at how these colors compare to each other, LIVE! Items that I will Likely Use (Affiliate Links) Dyer Supplier 80/20 sock yarn: (80% Superwash Merino / 20% Nylon) Dyer Supplier sent me the yarn and dyes for free to use in my videos. Catering Steam Pan: Purple Nitrile Gloves - Reusable Zip Ties - Deluxe Rubber Respirator - Jacquard Acid Dyes: Laundry Alternative Nina Soft Spin Dryer (Affiliate Link) ChemKnitsCreations Etsy Store: ChemKnits Patreon:   / chemknits   ChemKnits Lab Facebook Group:   / chemknitslab   ChemKnits Blog: The above links are affiliate links, which means I earn a commission on sale of items purchased through these links. All items used in this video were purchased and selected by me unless otherwise stated. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Laundry Alternative sent me the Nina Soft Spin Dryer for free. See my review:    • Indie Yarn Dyer Reviews The Laundry A...  
