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The Story of the Rarest Porsche RS 4 месяца назад

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The Story of the Rarest Porsche RS

Discover the story of the legendary Porsche RS, dive into its background, and learn about the impact it had for Porsche. Bruce Meyer, Founding Chairman of the Petersen Automotive Museum with a world-class car collection, and Hurley Haywood, one of the best Porsche drivers of all time, walk us through the iconic races and memorable events that made Porsche what it is today. #porsche #petersenmuseum CHAPTERS 00:00 - Hurley Haywood and Bruce Meyer 00:29 - Importance of the Porsche RS 01:11 - Racing Innovations 02:25 - The RS and RSH models 03:47 - The 1973 Daytona and Sebring Wins 06:04 - Brumos' Number 59 06:54 - Peter Gregg and Haywood's Career 07:37 - The Trans-Am Series 08:45 - European Races: Le Mans and the Targa Florio 09:36 - RSR Prototype: R7 at Le Mans 10:46 - Gijs Van Lennep and Herbert Muller at 1973 Le Mans 12:14 - Unusual Features: The 'Mary Stuart' Tail 13:12 - The Iconic Legacy of the RSs and RSRs 13:51 - 935 Porsche Winner of 1978 Le Mans 14:28 - The RS and Porsche —— CONNECT WITH US ON SOCIAL MEDIA Like us on Facebook: Follow us on Instagram: Follow us on TikTok: —— LEARN MORE ABOUT OUR PAST WE ARE PORSCHE EXHIBIT Click here to learn more about our We Are Porsche Exhibit: —— CARSTORIES PODCAST APPLE: SPOTIFY:
