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Скачать с ютуб KSA Prototype | Terrain Rendering 1 в хорошем качестве

KSA Prototype | Terrain Rendering 1 1 месяц назад

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KSA Prototype | Terrain Rendering 1

KSA is the working title of our "KSP Killer" game. This game is built using a custom game framework we call BRUTAL. This is a direct mapping of the Vulkan graphics API to C# along with a focus on a highly optimized Interop layer. This gives unparalleled options for a highly optimized game like Kerbal Space Program. Already attached to the project are a number of the original KSP developers and modders. This demonstration shows both orbital simulation, spherical billboard rendering, and floating point precision issues being solved. As we get closer to a terrain, cached spherical billboards are chosen at different distance levels. This means terrain does not need to be generated and is therefore extremely performant. This meets the projects key pillar of a seamless experience. The game is being designed and built from the ground up with modding, performance, and scalability in mind. The core data of the game is loaded as a mod allowing everything in the game to be modded. Join the discord for a live changelog and more information   / discord  
