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Pit Boss Pro Series Combo Smoked Ham

You know those sliced hams that you buy at Easter and Christmas from the grocery store? They go on sale all through the year and make a GREAT meal even when it is not a holiday where fantasy creatures come and give gifts. :). This week we show how to double smoke a Sliced PreCooked Ham. It has GREAT smoke flavor, is easy to do, and tastes great for dinner. The best part is that there is enough to have some heated up ham with eggs for breakfast and I promise there is no better way to make a ham sandwich than using the leftovers. Sliced Ham with Glaze - Humidity proof salt shaker - Disposable and inexpensive gloves - Scraper - Scrub Pad (24pack) - Scrub Scrunch (18pack) - Degreaser - (But for this one the Dollar Stores seem to have a better deal on the degreaser given how much you will use) Since making this video, we have found some great resources that we wanted to share with you as well. These products work well with the PitBoss Pro Series combo, and I am fairly certain would work with any other pellet smoker as well. 100% Mesquite Pellets for good Texas Flavor - Jack Daniels Whisky Barrel Oak Pellets - Competition Blend (Hickory, Maple, Cherry mix) - Charcol and Hickory Blend for charcoal grill flavor - Great Storage Container for your pellets (50lb capacity) - All your Pellet Smoker/Grill accessories - If you enjoy sailing and alternate living lifestyle videos, you may want to check out some of our other videos. Our Sailboat Refit Playlist -    • S/V DreamChaser leaves the dock   Our Sailing to New Orleans Playlist -    • Sailing Kemah to New Orleans - Part 1   Our Epoxy Vs Polyester Fiberglass test results -    • Epoxy Destructive Test   Our series on hatches -    • How to fix a leaking Hatch   Part 1   and Our Series on new Freshwater Plumbing -    • How to replace a Boats Plumbing Syste...   Subscribe !! Lets Connect !! - Daily Instagram Inspiration -  / svdreamchaser     / svdreamchaser     / svdreamchaser
