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Скачать с ютуб Top 50 Strongest Dragon Ball Z {Gods of the Universe Saga} Characters ドラゴンボールZ в хорошем качестве

Top 50 Strongest Dragon Ball Z {Gods of the Universe Saga} Characters ドラゴンボールZ 9 лет назад

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Top 50 Strongest Dragon Ball Z {Gods of the Universe Saga} Characters ドラゴンボールZ

Please Comment, Subscribe & If You Liked The Video Please Click The Like Button It Really Helps My Channel A Lot :D! also Thumbs up for Fukkatsu no F! Spoilers Only Canon To The Dragon Ball Story Is Allowed (No Uncanon Filler, OVAs, Movies or GT) ~List~ 0. Mark Hercule Satan ミスター・サタン 1. Whis ウイス 2. God of Destruction Beerus ビルス 3. Son Goku 孫 悟空 / Kakarot カカロット {Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan} 4. Prince Vegeta ベジータ {Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan} 5. Emperor Frieza フリーザ {Ultimate Evolution: Golden Form} 6. Potara Warrior Vegito ベジット {Mastered Super Saiyan} (Buu Saga) 7. Super Buu 超ブウ {Gohan, Goten, Trunks & Piccolo Absorbed} 8. Ultimate Son Gohan 孫 悟飯 {Potential Unleashed} (Buu Saga) 9. Fusion Warrior Gotenks ゴテンクス {Super Saiyan 3} [HTC Training] (Buu Saga) 10. Uub ウーブ {Hidden Power} (28th Tenkaichi Budōkai) 11. Kid Buu 魔人ブウ 純粋 12. Evil Buu 魔人ブウ 純粋悪 13. Mr. Buu 魔人ブウ 14. Bio-Android Cell セル {Perfect Form} [Zenkai] 15. Demon King Dabura ダーブラ [Majin] Tied 16. Cell Juniors セルJr. 17. Future Trunks Brief 未来のトランクス {2nd Grade Super Saiyan} [HTC Training] 18. Eastern Supreme Kai 東の界王神 19. Shisami シサミ [Post 4 Months Training] 20. Super Namekian Piccolo ピッコロ {Nail & Kami Fusion} (Resurrection ‘F’) Tied 21. Son Goten 孫悟天 {Mastered Super Saiyan} [HTC Training] (Buu Saga) Tied 21. Trunks Brief トランクス {Mastered Super Saiyan} [HTC Training] (Buu Saga) 22. Android 16 人造人間16号 23. Android 17 人造人間17号 / Lapis ラピス 24. Android 18 人造人間18号 / Lazuli ラズリ 25. Future Son Gohan 未来の孫悟飯 {Super Saiyan} (One Arm) Tied 26. Future Android 17 人造人間17号 / Lapis ラピス Tied 26. Future Android 18 人造人間18号 / Lazuli ラズリ 27. Dr. Gero ドクター・ゲロ / Android 20 人造人間20号 28. Android 19 人造人間19号 29. Aka 合体 アカ 30. King Cold コルド大王 31. "Strongest Earthling" Krillin クリリン [Unlocked Potential] (Resurrection ‘F’) 32. Tien Shinhan 天津飯 (Resurrection ‘F’) 33. The Original Super Saiyan Bardock バーダック {Super Saiyan} (Power Level: +500,000) 34. Lord Chilled チルド Tied 35. Abo アボ Tied 35. Kado カド 36. Captain Ginyu ギニュー (Power Level: 120,000) 37. Master Roshi 武天老師, {Full Power} (Resurrection ‘F’) 38. Yamcha ヤムチャ (Cell Saga) 39. Nail ネイル (Power Level: 42,000) Tied 40. Burter バータ Tied 40. Jeice ジース 41. Recoome リクーム 42. Zarbon ザーボン (Base Power Level: 23,000) {Monster Form} 43. Dodoria ドドリア (Power Level: 22,000) 44. Tagoma タゴマ 45. Cui キュイ (Power Level: 18,000) 46. Chiaotzu 餃子 (After Frieza Saga) 47. Guldo グルド (Power Level: +10,000) 48. King Vegeta ベジータ王 (Power Level: 10,000) 49. Nappa ナッパ (Power Level: 4,000) 50. Raditz ラディッツ (Power Level: 1,500) ~Honorable Mentions~ -End Of Z Goku & Vegeta -Fusion Warrior Gogeta ゴジータ (Battle Of Gods) -Adult Goten & Trunks -Potara Warrior Kibito Kai キビト神 -Southern Supreme Kai 南の界王神 -Grand Supreme Kai 大界王神 -Yakon ヤコン -Pui Pui プイプイ -Pan パン -Jaco ジャコ -Sorbet ソルベ -Evil Buu 魔人ブウ 純粋悪 [My Dragon Ball Canon Story] (Dragon Ball Seventh Universe Main Timeline) -History of Supreme Kai & Majin Buu (100, 75, & 5 Million Before Age) -Episode of Bardock (268 Before Age & Age 737) -Dragon Ball Minus (Age 737) -Bardock The Father of Goku [Only Bardock Vs Soldiers & Frieza] (Age 737) -Jaco the Galactic Patrolman (Age 739) -Dragon Ball Goku Saga (Age 749) Red Ribbon Army Saga (Age 750) Piccolo Saga (Age 753 & 756) -Dragon Ball Z Saiyan Saga (Age 761 & 762) Frieza Saga (Age 762) -The History of Trunks (Alternate Age 780 & 783) Cell Saga (Age 764 & 767) -Free the Future (Alternate Age 785) Buu Saga (Age 774) -Yo! Son Goku and His Friends Return!! (Age 776) -Battle Of Gods (Age 778) -Resurrection ‘F’ (Age 779) 28th Tenkaichi Budōkai (Age 784) ~Manga Dragon Ball Minus Episode of Bardock Jaco the Galactic Patrolman Dragon Ball Yo! Son Goku and His Friends Return!! ~Anime Dragon Ball Z Kai ~Movies Battle Of Gods Resurrection ‘F’ ~OVAs The History of Trunks Bardock The Father of Goku [Only Bardock Vs Soldiers & Frieza] Episode of Bardock [MANGA] Yo! Son Goku and His Friends Return!! Song: DBZ -- SSJ God Vegeta Theme -- Sampled Hip-hop Rap Beat -- DjFusion
