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Star Wars Rise of the Resistance Complete Ride Experience in 4K | Walt Disney World Florida 2021

Enjoy a complete ride experience video of Star Wars: Rise of the Resistance at Disney’s Hollywood Studios, filmed in 4K UHD 60fps! This was all filmed on January 25th 2021, except for the footage of Lieutenant Bek, which was filmed about a couple months ago. The entire ship experience has designated circles for your party, and I was unfortunately placed in the back right corner of the ship where you can’t really see anything so that’s why I inserted previous footage of Lieutenant Bek Thanks for watching! Like the video by giving it a Thumbs Up and Subscribe for more 4K WDW Videos! #waltdisneyworld #disneyworld #starwars Subscribe to my channel here: Ways to support 4K WDW:   / 4kwdw   T-SHIRTS: Social Media: Twitter: Instagram: MAKE SURE YOU ARE WATCHING ON A 4K SMART TV TO VIEW IN 4K UHD 60FPS! Welcome to 4K WDW! I am a long time Disney World fan and videographer and I have decided to share my love for Disney with all of you! I film only in 4K UHD, to give you all the best possible video quality to make you feel like you are at Walt Disney World! I will film things like full walkthroughs, shorter tours of the parks and resorts, and much more, all in 4K UHD! Please Subscribe to my channel and press the notification bell to get notified every time I post a new video! Thanks for watching everyone!
